Monday, June 10, 2013

End of the Year Memories

Our school has a tradition called "Moving Up" Day. On this day, our fifth graders move up to the sixth grade teacher, and the fourth graders will come up to our class for one period. In this time, the teachers usually have the students write letters to the incoming class to share some of their favorite memories from the year. But since we are so "techy" this year, we asked the students to write a script and record themselves. Here are some of the videos they made. This has been an amazing, creative group of young scholars and I wish them much success next year in sixth grade!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Student Digital Portfolios

This year, thanks to the infusion of technology afforded to our students through our 1:1 laptop program,  our scholars have compiled quite a collection of digital works that they needed to showcase for Open House. In order to present these projects, we used our Google Apps for Education accounts to create and contribute to a Google Sites website. Each scholar has their own page and was responsible for selecting approximately five artifacts they are most proud of to present to parents. Here are their choices! This has been such an amazing year for integrating technology in meaningful ways!

Please click this link to be directed to our Digital Student Portfolios!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

That's a WrAP!

Our students have been preparing for the ERB Writing Assessment Program (WrAP) over the past two weeks and today we decided to try something new! Here was our assignment:

 Create a song or chant, with original lyrics (you may set your lyrics to a tune you already know)

Purpose: Explain to your audience (3-6th graders who take the ERB exam) what you think they need to know to prepare for success on the ERB.

Plan: To help you with your planning, THINK: What do students need to know in order to do well? 

Here are the students' videos! We hope you are inspired, educated, and otherwise positively influenced by our creative passion for testing!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Commitment is the Value for February

Rayann was our ambassador for February. She presented this glogster to our class to teach us more about Commitment.

What does commitment mean to you?

How are you committed to your self, your family, and your community?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Teaching Others About Self Restraint and Self Control

Zayd was the ambassador for the month of December. He created this glogster to share with our class.


What did you think of his online poster?

How do you show self control at home and at school?

Why is self control such an important value?