Wednesday, October 10, 2012

VIP Day 2012

Today was our first ever VIP day. VIP stands for "Very Important Person"! Each one of the students invited a relative, friend, or neighbor to come enjoy an afternoon at our school. We had so much fun sharing our school with our VIPs. We took lots of photos, ate lunch, and then invited the VIPs back to our room where we interviewed them about their experiences in school. Here are some of the photos from the day!

What was your favorite part of VIP day?
What did your VIP like the best? 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Honesty Wallwisher

This month, our class focuses on the value of Honesty. Our ambassador, Karim, is in charge of making a presentation about the reasons we show honesty. He needs your help! Please post a comment to share what honesty means to you.

Can you explain what honesty means? Or give us a reason why we should be honest?
Can you find a famous quote to illustrate this value?  

How can you encourage others to be honest? Is there every a time it's okay to be dishonest?
How would your friends or family feel if they caught you in a lie? How would you feel about yourself?

To open the Wallwisher below in a new window, click on the link